Member Profile

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Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Ali Shah
Department of Psychiatry
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1) Arafat SMY, Fariduzzaman MA, Uddin MS, Shah MA, Chowdhury MHR. , Clozapine in resistant mania: Two case reports., Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 2020, 49,
2) Arafat SMY, Hasina A, Islam MA, Shah MMA, Russel K., Parenting: Types, Effects and Cultural Variation. , sian Journal of Pediatric Research, 2020, 3, 32-36
3) Ahsan MS, Roy J, Shah MA, Arafat SY, Nahar JS, Mullick MSI, Psychotic Symptoms in Dissociative ( Conversion ) Disorder in Two Tertiary Care Hospitals in Bangladesh, MymensinghMedical Journal, 2018, 27, 520-526
4) Shah MMA, Sajib MWH, Arafat SMY. , Demography and risk factor of suicidal behavior in Bangladesh: A cross sectional observation from patients attending a suicide prevention clinic of Bangladesh., Asian Journal of Psychiatry , 2018, 35, 4-5
5) AhsanMS, MullickMS, Begum K, Arafat SMY, Shah MA, Poddar BR, Roy J., Substance Use Among the Patients withFirst EpisodePsychosis, Mymenshing Medical Journal, 2018, 27, 313-320
6) Shah MA, Rahman SR, Arafat SMY., Risk factor-based Suicide Prevention: DoesBangladesh Need Emotion FocusedStrategies ?, Archives of NIMH, 2018, 1, 50-52
7) Arafat SMY, Andalib A, Shams SF, Kabir R, Shah MMA, Fariduzzaman AM, Liton MLA, Ansari EAF. , Patient Satisfaction in Chamber Setting In Bangladesh measured by Patient-Doctor-Relationship Questionnaire (PDRQ-9 Bangla ) , Journal OfMedicalResearch And Innovation, 2017, 1, 34-39
8) Shah MMA, Ahmed S, Arafat SMY. , Demography and Risk Factors of Suicide in Bangladesh: A Six Month Paper Content Analysis, Psychiatry Journal, 2017, 2017:ID3047025, 1-5
9) Roy J, Adiluzzaman MAFA, Hasan MT, Roy DD, Qusar MMAS, Shah MMA, Arafat SMY, Socio-demographic profile and psychiatric morbidities of suicide attempters: a cross sectional observation in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2016, 30, 36-402
10) Morshed NM, Shahid SFB, Qusar MMAS, Algin S, Shah MA, Maruf NM, Chowdhury MHR, Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders Among Female Juvenile Offenders, MymensinghMedical Journal, 2016, 25, 669-673
11) Imam MA, Salam MA, Algin S, Ali M., Quality of Life in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder, Mymensingh Medical Journal, 2013, 22, 222-228
12) QusarMMAS, Morshed NM, Nahar JS, Shah MA,Alom MF, Jahan NA, Sarkar M, Chowdhury NF, Khanom MM, Soron TR, Rahman W, Haque MMM, Sobhan MA., Family Support and Psychiatric Morbidity. , Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2012, 26, 16-23
13) Salam MA, Ahsan MS, Chowdhury NF, Shams SF, Morshed NM, Shah MA,Islam M, Psychiatric Morbidity among Women Whose Husbands Are Living Abroad., Bangladesh Journal of Medicine , 2010, 21, 37-40
14) Roy J, Morshed NM, Qusar MMAS, Nahar JS, Miah MAS, Shah MA, Shams SF, Shahid SFB, Iqbal MM, Khanam MM. , ersonality Traits Substance Users in Bangladesh, BSMMU Journal, 2010, 3, 76-81
15) AlginS, Shahid SFB, Nahar JS, Shah MA, Fariduzzaman KM, Morshed NM, Qusar MMAS, Ahsan MS, Das A., Psychodrama in Bangladesh Perspective, Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2010, 24, 36-43
16) Shahid SFB, Mullick MSI, Nahar JS, Naher J, Khan S, Morshed NM, Shah MA, Qusar MMAS. , Relationship Between Parental Rejection and Personality, BSMMU Journal, 2009, 2, 61-65
17) Algin AS, Jahan NK, Nahar JS, Shahid SFB, Shah MA,Fariduzzaman KM. , Emerging Trend In Psychotherapy –A Study in aTertiary Hospital in Dhaka., Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2008, 22, 39-45
18) Khan K, Morshed NM, Qusar MMAS, Shahid SFB, Shah MA, Miah AS, Chowdhury SH, Roy J. , Major Depressive Disorder inHysterectomy Patients, Journal of Comilla Medical CollegeTeachers Association, 2008, 22, 53-58
19) Shah MA, Sobhan MA, QusarMMAS, Morshed NM, Ahsan MS, Algin S, Chowdhury HR, Ali M, Shahid FBS, Salam MA, Roy J, Das A., Prevalence of Subtypes of Schizophrenia in a Tertiary Hospital in Bangladesh. , Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2008, 22, 41-49
20) Haque M, Nahar JS, Shah MA,Latif CMI. , ognitive Behaviour Therapy in Depression-A Case Report ., Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2008, 22, 66-70
21) Ahsan MS, Mullick MSI, Rashid MHA, Ali R, Ali M, Shah MA, Hoque SS, Symptom presentation of Patients with Dissociative D ( Conversion ) Disorder in Two Tertiary Hospitals in Bangladesh, Journal of Comilla Medical CollegeTeachers Association, 2007, 9(1), 12-15
22) Ali M, Firoz AHM, Qusar MMAS, Ahsan MS, Shah MA. Ali M, Firoz AHM, Qusar MMAS, Ahsan MS, Shah MA. , Psychiatric Disorders Among Patients Attending Outpatient Departments of Different disciplines., Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, 21, 39-49
23) Ahsan MS, Mullick MSI, Sobhan MA, Ali R,Nahar JS, Islam M, Ali M, Shah MA, Khanam M, Chowdhury HR. , Psychosocial Stressor In Dissociative ( Conversion ) Disorder in Two Tertiary Hospitals in Bangladesh ., Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry, 2007, 22, 29-38